Churches Riverside

Fellowship Baptist Church

3624 Arlington Ave
Riverside , CA 92506-3912
(951) 684-8071


Fellowship Baptist Church can be found at 3624 Arlington Ave . The following is offered: Churches - In Riverside there are 95 other Churches. An overview can be found here.


1 Reviews, in average 4 Stars

Steve and Semone Simmons wrote on 05-29-2015

Think Ephesians 4

After listening to their online sermons for a month and finding them to be Biblically sound, in depth and Christ-centered, our family decided to visit Fellow Baptist Church in April 2014. We were immediately welcomed by the people with the love of Christ. We were invited to attend life group at the Pastor's house (which is almost unheard of today) and we found his family to be very caring and down-to-earth. After attending for about the six months, Pastor Matthew invited us to come check out the membership class which we did. After carefully observing for six months and finding that the church practiced what they preach, we decided to become members. It has been a little over a year now that we have been attending and we haven't regretted the decision. It is a small congregation but the people are connected, the ministries are organized and thriving ... in particular the children's ministries. The women's ministry is still growing but that just means there is an opportunity for the Lord to use those who are willing to serve. I think the women are the backbone of this church but I have to say that the men are definitely the strength of the church as it should be. I believe the elders lead with humility and gentleness but without compromising the word of God. The truth is spoken in love here. As with every church, there are challenges but during the time I have been here, I can say honestly that the elders handled every situation Biblically and with love and resolved and the church is growing stronger .. the key word here is growing. My husband and I were impressed with the amount of attention and care that was given to resolve issues. I truly believe the people of FBC want to love and honor Christ and see His name exalted in all the earth.


(951)684-8071 (951)-684-8071 +19516848071

Map 3624 Arlington Ave